OK. I finally have launched my own little glass bead shop on the ArtFire site. The URL is PomegranateGlass.artfire.com.
I'd forgotten how long it takes to list items for sale. I did it before briefly, on Etsy and the year we did the online Ebay auction. All the staging and photographing, photo-editing, uploading, describing...seems like it takes forever. And to top it off, I'm using my cell phone for my camera until I can afford something a bit better. So, this explains why there are only 5 things listed so far. There were 6 but my good friend Lisa purchased something (Thanks Lisa!!).
Anyhow, go check it out at your leisure. Feedback appreciated as I get this little project off the ground. And while you are at it, you can sign up to be a 'follower' on my blog. I'm not exactly sure what that means. Maybe when I post something new you get an email alert(?) If someone tries it, let me know! Gotta go back to the torch and get some more goddesses cooking....
Thanks for looking.